Gen-X America Vlog

Gen-X America Vlog (a Case Study)

Talkin’ ’bout my Generation! (Gen X America)

I had been wanting to talk about my generation in a podcast format for a long time. When you search the generation between Boomers and Millennials, there is precious little time given to them in the mainstream culture. Yet this is a generation that contributed much. They are a “second silent generation” in American History and the work and art and music they created is still absorbed, yet misattributed to other generations. While we are most often mistaken for baby boomers, most of us would reject that category.

This YouTube Vlog is dedicated to discussing Gen-X and fleshing out the details of an often undefined and undefinable generation. In many ways, this 13th generation likes to be ignored and left alone, which makes the task even more difficult. However, this is the duty I decided to try to fulfill, a “mouthpiece” for a generation that doesn’t want anyone talking about it.

Gen-X America

Ignored and underrepresented:This project was created as both an exercise in utilizing skills learned in motion graphics as well as a need to fill a niche in the social and cultural consciousness of American history. Gen-X “Tales from a forgotten generation” Attempts to explore and define a demographic overlooked in media.

Initial Designs: The initial design for the icons for the vlog was a very traditional red white and blue American-themed logo. The 13 stars of the original colonies and the overall “X” indicate a more traditionalist view. However, after consultation, the fact that Gen-X was a very “1980’s” generation prompted a change of look to the more “neon glow aesthetic” befitting the time period of  Gen-X coming of age in the 1980’s.

Soundtrack for Gen-X America: In addition to the logo image, a short intro soundtrack that reflected the time of the time was generated.

Vlogging Studio: This endeavor brought me to the requirements of something I had never done before.  While I had enjoyed the work of many online vloggers, the equipment needed to create a “professional” look needed acquisition and assembly. As I was previously well equipped for Audio, video required the purchase of simple lighting much used by online vloggers. A “ring light was attained to give the simple lighting needed.

Scripting: Content Creation requires some active research. This topic quickly grew out of hand.

Initial Shoot Failures: Much of my time was spent realizing how hard-earned the skills are to recite long monologues while maintaining eye contact with a camera. Pronunciation and correct diction count as much as content in a delivery. Hours of footage were discarded

Breakthrough: The combination of using Canva to visualize my ideas and then doing voiceovers created better content. Animations and backing tracks allowed for smoother dialogue and more cohesive story telling.

Using Logic Audio: Logic Audio allowed me to comfortably overdub audio while viewing the material as it passed. This allowed for faster work and better control.

Creating A Presence: In order to generate a presence, YouTube and Facebook channels were created to distribute content.

Too Big a Topic: In the end, only two videos under 10 minutes were accomplished. However, I feel I met my goal of beginning my journey as an online content provider. This will be a continuing project reflecting on the history that Gen-X lived through and where it is today. Breaking it into smaller chunks was needed.

Ready for Prime Time: My two final videos certainly need more work. Being a “documentarian/vlogger/videographer/announcer, was more of a task than I realized. I like to think I did well for my first time out.

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